27 Aralık 2008 Cumartesi

Slim Fast Diet

Slim-Fast’s longevity on the diet industry scene has allowed researchers to thoroughly investigate the diet’s effectiveness. The results, published in several scientific journals, show that sipping Slim-Fast shakes or munching on the company’s meal replacement bars can help dieters safely shed unwanted pounds -- and keep them off. The diet is basically a low-calorie plan that encourages portion control. Easy to do since the meal replacement products contain fewer calories than most Americans typically consume in one sitting. To keep up with the low carb craze, Slim-Fast introduced the Optima line, a carb-controlled version of their traditional products, which contain 55 percent less sugar and higher levels protein and fiber to boot. Both replacements weigh in with the same calorie counts and in either case, dieters swap out standard fare with Slim-Fast replacement products for two meals each day and tack on a 500-calorie sensible meal they create themselves. The three meals are supplemented by a variety of snacks ranging from 130-calorie Slim-Fast bars to whole foods, fruits and vegetables.

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